That's why it took me so long, really.
You can tell right now how they are explosive, running to the ball, all of it.
Proche scooped up the ball and took off down the field.
Josh Norman: One of Josh's highlights this season includes 7 tackles, 1 pass defensed, and 1 fumble recovery against the Chiefs.
It's all about timing and ballhandling.
Quarterbacks who take off and run it long-term, other than Russell Wilson, haven't been able to protect themselves.
I said it last time; when Ronnie got hurt, I was up here, and now I'm here when Nick got hurt.
Gaines is a familiar name for Bills fans.
He's definitely going to be a guy that stands out in this rivalry that they'll do a feature piece on – that's how well he's playing.
If that's how we play we're going to struggle to win games so it is what it is right now, we will learn from this.
So, it's going to be interesting as all the games play out.
This is a totally new and improved front seven for the Bills and it all starts with the guys down inside.
They came out on the better end of a last-minute fourth-down pass to Crabtree in Super Bowl XLVII, but he's dominated ever since.
I know we have the quarterback, the guy we need – that's a big key piece.
That's a lesson I've learned about 100 times in my career, but learned it again the hard way in our first game against him this year.
There are so many.
The proximity of those two events, both of which were rare occurrences, made it both surprising AND unusual.
my dogs really kind of consume everything else.
I'm always excited to play against all my opponents.
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What do you make of that disproportionate number?
We just have to keep going.
+ The relationship between the organization and tackle Orlando Brown Jr.
In other words, do you sit there and actually watch the game more intently than you might otherwise do?
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The improvements you made this offseason – can you tell?
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Just earning my keep, earning my stripes, earning respect from my teammates.
Then, Mark , to understand the situation, to time it up the right way on the scramble drill, get back downhill and to make that catch with a guy draped all over him and stay in bounds, you're right; that was kind of a turning point.
You really don't know until a guy gets into your locker room and your defensive meetings how football smart they are, Defensive Coordinator Wink Martindale said.
48 was a real temptation - and I'm sure they would as well.
On that note, just how encouraging is it that you have the whole secondary coming back and CB Tavon Young coming off of injury?
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They're very rare.
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So, we'll just have to see.
Or figure out an offense to fit whoever we bring you?
This offense is really one that runs through Lamar , and we're always going to do what gives us the best chance to win.
They'll be ready.
We've got to start now.