What have you seen that of Keith Washington II so far?
You guys got Alvin Kamara and Michael Thomas back, but Deonte Harris played a huge role for you guys today.
During that season, his role was expanded to include film breakdown and scouting report preparation for the offensive staff.
And so, I'm just excited for what's to come with this team.
You know, I think because of the evaluation of the younger players, you know, on a team like ours, where maybe you have a veteran team, where you're trying to really find those last, let's call it you know, 45 to 53, player 45 to 53.
A: I've worked with Freddie, I've worked against Freddie.
Point of emphasis: Details.
So him coming back that's almost us at full speed.
What do you see in how he takes a loss hard?
Jump cut to the perimeter, stiff arm for a cornerback?
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The Vikings also rank third in rushing .
They're all strangers on the first day, and by the end of the program, they're best friends.
It seems like you guys got a little bit of a pass rush going again last week.
I recruited Drew for three years -- his sophomore, junior and senior years of high school -- and was able to develop a great relationship with him, and his mother, father and sister, said Pittman, who served as assistant head coach at Georgia last year and was named head coach of Arkansas in December.
I think each and every year Andrus has grown.
That being said, we're trying to manage reps between Daniel, Colt and Thorson.
What have Customized Jersey improved on and what do you still feel like you need to improve?
Tied career-long with a 28-yard rush.
He could have played safety for us because he's that natural of a football player.
We know we're going to put in the work and put in the time.
And I mean, how crazy it is custom uniforms maybe relative to how you felt?
PERSONAL – Helped Wyomissing HS to its first Class AA state championship in 2012, finishing 16, a school single-season record for wins...Selected to 2013 Under Armour All-American Game...Finished his senior year with over 1 rushing yards and 30 TDs and registered over 100 tackles...Earned a spot on the 247Sports Class of 2013 All-America team...Named as the 2012 Class AA Player of the Year as part of Pennsylvania Sports Writers All-State team...As a junior, was named first-team All-State, All-Region and All-County...In 2011, ran for over 900 yards and scored 13 touchdowns and was named to the All-State team…Active in local efforts to encourage dog adoption….Born Sept.
That's kind of where our focus will be here immediately.
Not really, I really just sat down and talked to my family and everything and I know AO had his own thing going on with free agency too.
Following his graduation, he enrolled at Loyola University New Orleans to study business and accounting.
So I talked with him on the phone, didn't know much about him at the time, just knew he went to Dayton, but yeah, I mean, just through the agency.
I'm just curious like, if you've learned anything about running this two-minute offense with Drew , when you're actually in it with him, like what kind of sticks out to you?